I believe that Prophet Muhammad prophesied these three stages of the master-plan (PAX BRITANICA, PAX AMERICANA, PAX JUDAICA: i.e., the ultimate world-system) through which Dajjal the false Messiah (Anti-Christ) would eventually accomplish his mission of
impersonating the true Messiah and thus of ruling the world
from an impostor State of Israel in the Holy Land. The Prophet
“… when Dajjāl is released he would live on earth for
forty days – a day like a year – a day like a month – a
day like a week – and all his days (i.e., all the rest of his
days) like your days.”
Sahih Muslim
He also prophesied, in what has come to be known as the
Hadith of Tamim Dari, that Dajjāl’s initial base, i.e., in the first
stage of his mission that would last for ‘a day like a year’, would
be an island which specialized in spying, and was located about
one month’s journey by sea from Arabia. I believe that island
could not have been other than Britain!
The ‘house slave’ was subject to the same
oppression as the ‘field slave’. Both were without ‘external’
freedom and hence in ‘external’ slavery. But while the ‘field
slave’ hated that oppression and slavery, the ‘house slave’
submitted to it, identified with the slave master, and accepted
his slavery. He was so brainwashed and ‘internally’ blind that he
became an appendage of the slave master. He was always there
to serve the slave master, however required, and whenever the
slave master needed him. When the slave master was ill, the
‘house slave’ would feel his master’s pain and suffering and
would declare to his master: “we sick!” The ‘house slave’ was
both ‘internally’ as well as ‘externally’ a slave. He became a part
of the system of slavery (the ‘internally’ blind always end up as
slaves). The slave master rewarded the ‘house slave’ for his
faithful service by ‘buttering’ his bread. He still does that today
with a US visa, or with jobs and protection in exchange for
political support for the ruling tribe!
“You will find (time and again) that the most hostile of
all people to the believers (i.e., Muslims) would be the
Jews and those who are idol-worshippers or pagans; and
nearest among them in love to the believers would be
those who say, ‘We are Christians’, because amongst
these are men devoted to learning and men who have
renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.”
Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:82
“Oh you who believe (in this Qur’an), do not take (such)
Jews and the Christians as (your) friends and allies who
themselves are friends and allies of each other. And
whoever of you allies himself with them becomes, verily,
one of them; behold, Allah does not guide such
Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:5
The Judeo-Christian Zionists who now rule the world from London,
Washington and Jerusalem are quite aware of this massive
attack that will come from the north, and this explains the
incremental NATO encirclement of Russia.
. Allah Most High has spoken quite
explicitly of His plan in which He will one day cause Gog and
Magog to surge against each other in a mighty cataclysm:
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“And on that day We shall cause them to surge like
waves (that dash) against one another; and the trumpet
(heralding the destruction of the imposter State of Israel)
will be blown, and We shall gather them all together (to
perish in that final divinely-ordained punishment).”
Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:99; Kindly note that this writer’s commentary
of the verse is in brackets.
it is certain that Dajjāl the false Messiah will work
overtime to exploit the new opportunities created by the
uprisings to try to demolish whatever now remains of Islam in
the lives of the Arab masses. One can just imagine how the new
freedom can soon become a secular freedom in which all would
be permissible. Not only would ‘women dress and yet be naked’
but eventually the ‘day would mate with the day’ and the ‘night
would mate with the night’. The result would be the complete
seduction of the cities of the Arab world into the godless global
There is also the distinct possibility of Islamic political
parties assuming power in government and then losing
credibility when they fail to bring relief to the miserably poor
masses because of an incapacity to respond to the awesome
challenge of Riba.
Surah al-Kahf also advises withdrawal from the godless
society. This can perhaps be best achieved through residence
in small Muslim Villages in the countryside rather than the
cities of the modern world. Such villages can have village
markets which use Dinārs and Dirhams as money for buying and
We should in addition recite Surah al-Kahf on every day of
Jumu’ah without fail and also regularly recite the Masnoon Duah
for protection from Dajjāl’s Fitnah.
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